I would be lying if I said I enjoyed every moment of the last 4 weeks. I reckon they have been my most taxing but enlightening of the whole recovery.
As said in my last post I have been 'on the bench' for the past month due to pneumonia. It was an interesting period where I, after my first CT scan since surgery, was given the all clear for cancer but then told I had pneumonia. Gutted. Pneumonia?! I thought I just had a chesty cough, but oh no. I was hoping that my 'Results Day' would give me the closure I needed and the all clear to move on. It was bitter sweet as thankfully I was cancer free BUT I had a nasty lung infection, which meant I had to put some plans on hold. Needless to say I didn't enter a gym or do any strenuous exercise at all for the past 4 weeks.
After having been on 2 courses of antibiotics (necessary to clear the infection but basically it's like dropping a nuclear bomb into your system that leaves you with headaches, nausea and all sorts), watching numerous Wes Anderson / Bill Murray / Luke & Owen Wilson movies (Moonrise Kindgdom rocks), making soups and generally relaxing I am ecstatic to finally be back in the game.
This week has certainly been a turning point and one where I feel happily in control again. Starting back at work has been awesome. Finally feeling healthy again feels awesome and being able to do what you want feels awesome. I can honestly say that I am making the most of my days now... this is something I yearned to do since the kidney cancer surfaced but I always felt my reigns were being pulled back and I couldn't go 'full steam ahead' with what I wanted to do.
So, we are back on track. Today I took advantage of the gorgeous winter sun and blue skies, got on my running gear and dusted off my Nike Frees for some outdoor cardio. With the sun on my face and the crisp air I truly felt alive. I really did. Sprinting with a smile on my face - I'm alive and I'm healthy. Life is good!
I didn't stop there. I came home and did something I have been meaning to do for MONTHS. I kid you not, months! I have been building a
Pinterest board filled with yoga poses and inspiration but for some reason never did it. But not today - this is the week of being in control and being a do-er! So out came the yoga mat (months old and used mainly by Curious Kid for his forward rolls) and I set out to do a headstand - something that I haven't attempted since I was about 6. Even after 15-20 mins of practicing I was amazed at just how fast you can develop.... on a side note I have to add that 5 mins of that time was probably spent faffing with Timercam to snap a shot. I did a yoga course years ago and I remembered the feeling of release, concentration and being in the moment. How true that is. Not only is it good exercise but it does wonders for relaxation, stress levels and being here now. I should have started this months ago... I have known that all along but, well, it is never too late to start and this is my start.
Exercise and feeling healthy really does keep your mood in check (good vibes only) and let your soul glow!
All the things I have been telling myself for years have actually been felt - be in the moment, seize the day, enjoy the small things, be grateful to be alive and be in good health. Another important learning curve through this whole recovery period has been that you really can accomplish great things (big or small) if you just focus, put effort into it and do it with determination.